Sunday, 18 August 2013

Method and Madness

I'm still a little behind on #GRaBaW blogging, but that's because, as I mentioned before, I'm working on some other writing projects which I want to get 'finished'. It's also down to that fact that some of the books I've read recently will require some more interesting write-ups, which I haven't had time to do yet.

Just a quick note, then on my reading process. You may remember that I've previously expressed my obsession with audiobooks and that I recently acquired a Kindle. The Kindle really has made a big difference in the last month or two. I'm not a new convert to ebooks, by any means - I've previously used a Sony Reader, and my iPad and iPhone have served well in this regard also. 

The Kindle, though, has really set itself apart - just so small and easy to hold (important to be able to do so comfortably one-handed on the tube) and to buy/load books onto (almost too easy, in fact - curse you, Kindle daily deal!). The fact that you get a sense of how long you have left in each chapter, time-wise, also makes it easy to work out if you can realistically get through a section in whatever time you have. The WhisperSync aspect also means that I don't worry if it's not practical to bring it - I'll always have access to whatever I'm reading via my phone, in a pinch.

Audiobooks also make life very easy. I've done the same with podcasts for years, but an Audible account has come as a real blessing. It's good to be able to get lost in a book while doing housework, some other mindless task, or walking on the commute. I like the fact that I can listen to one book on the way to the tube, whip out my Kindle on the train for another, then instantly switch back when changing trains (or if the tube is too crowded to have free hands!).

Okay, it's also nice to be unplugged sometimes, or to listen to music, but it's good to be able to make use of 'dead time' in this way, and it's harder to have an excuse to be bored. 

I'm currently at 37 books, at the end of week 33, so am doing pretty well. I've had a burst of acceleration and travel in the last week or two, which has helped that figure enormously.

For what it's worth - I pretty much always post my blog entries on Facebook, but if you want to follow the blog and get all the updates when they go up, you can follow with your Google/Blogger account, or latch on to the RSS feed here: If you're not already following me on Twitter, you can find me on @mastergeorge.

If you enjoy reading, it's always awesome if you can share or retweet the links to the posts. That shows me that I'm doing something right - or, at least, what's working and what's not!


  1. Thanks for the Audible tip! Definitely worth it for the first 3 months alone. I think I'll start with 'Catch 22' - that seems as if it would benefit from being read aloud.

  2. Love it! Audiobooks are great. Some days, I just don't feel like listening, but most of the time, I do, and it's great to be able to plug into that when doing 'non-cognitive' chores.

    Anything read by the author is always interesting.
